V našem projektu jsme spojili e-learning s poznáváním následujících témat: EU, kulturní, přírodní a sociální dědictví zúčastněných regionů. Žáci a učitelé profitovali z rozvoje silnějšího evropského povědomí a získávali kompetence k používání různých digitálních nástrojů. Chtěli jsme, aby se žáci dozvěděli o institucích Evropské unie a o Evropě regionů, zejména o zúčastněných regionech. Propojili jsme kulturní, přírodní, demokratické a sociální dědictví v zúčastněných regionech s moderními digitálními metodami e-learningu. Proto jsme používali různé digitální nástroje k vytváření průzkumů, kvízů, hlavolamů, tabulek pro pomoc učitelům a žákům rozvíjet jejich digitální dovednosti a kompetence při používání těchto nástrojů. Každá zúčastněná škola navrhla nástroje k vytvoření produktů. Všechny školy si tyto nástroje vyzkoušeli. Považujeme projekt za důležitý, protože žáci se musí naučit, jak se pozitivně učit pomocí digitálních nástrojů.

⇒ číslo projektu: 2018-1-AT01-KA229-039196_6
⇒ koordinátor projektu: BRG Wels (Rakousko)
⇒ další partnerské školy: Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Konstanz (Německo), Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Gilowicach (Polsko), IPSSAR “PAOLO BORSELLINO” Palermo (Itálie), Gimnazija Skofja Loka (Slovinsko)
⇒ délka projektu: 01.09.2018 – 31.08.2020 (prodlouženo z epidemiologických důvodů)
Fotoreporty z projektových akcí

The project was dedicated to convey the ideas of cultural, natural, immaterial heritage together with using digital tools to do so. The project was organised in modules following the same scheme: preparation in lessons, project meetings in the participating schools with mixed group activities, dissemination activities on websites, in exhibitions, in teacher conferences and parents´nights. Even national presentations took place. Teachers had a lot of activites exchanging information about digital tools. Pupils were always informed about Europass and project newspapers were published and board were put up in schools to make it possible to follow the achievements. Pupils successfully took part in regional, national or European competitions #Europa4me for fostering democracy, in digital competitions or in activities against xenophobia.
Module 1 Wels: pupils created digital quizzes and puzzles. learned about democracy by having a workshop together with a young political representative. The participants,got to know the cultural heritage of Salzburg and the natural heritage of the Lake region. The Chistkindl markets represented the immaterial heritage.
Module 2 Sicily: Pupils learned about the use of GPS and digital maps and experienced the old town of Palermo and Catania, met a representative of the local museum and the mayor and political representatives.
Module 3 Constance: work on stereotypes, UNESCO neolithic world heritage Unterhuldigen, Constance and the Pope, carnival as immaterial heritage, simulation of a city council meeting , work with digital surveys and statistical data, Work with the university of Constance on Europass and Erasmus+ chances for students.
Module 4 Tabor: focusing on agricultural heritage – breading carp, visit to the agricultural multimedia museum in Prague – doing international group work there, the fish breeding area of Trebon, and the UNESCO heritage of Kutna Hora. Pupils worked together in producing video clips and picture presentations.
Modul 5 Gilowice: cultural heritage – Krakow in the Middle Ages, Auschwitz – NAZI concentration camp, industrial heritage coal mining, natural heritage – bisons in Poland, immaterial heritage – the role of women, Pupils worked on presentation techniques and prepared photo evaluations.
Module 6: Skofa Loka The corona crisis prevented the face-to- face meeting. So the mobility was held online. In several steps in MS Teams and ZOOM meetings the work was completed. Teachers prepared the meetings, presentations by the pupils of Skofia Loka about the places they wanted to show and then presentations of the different schools.
The most important results were the personal experiences of participants and the face-to-face meetings. That was only realised after Corona hit Europe. All participants improved their digital competences, their language skills, their understanding for cultural, natural and immaterial heritage and all participants got insight into democratic processes. The project results correspond greatly with the ones planned beforehand. Six schools took part in the project. From these schools a majority of teachers and groups of pupils were involved in the activities. In the area political representatives were involved and representatives of museums or national parks. Parents supported the project by preparing parents´nights or hosting pupils. Teachers from various subjects were involved – foreign language teachers, history and geography teachers, biology teachers and IT teachers. They developed programmes in the participating schools and they organised preparing excursions with local pupils. They helped developing various digital activities and from February 2020 to February 2021 they had to overcome the challenges of the Covid pandemic and actually transfer the complete activities into the virtual world. The activities and tools schools developed and had tried out during the previous project time helped to adapt to the new situation. There were many trial and error adempts till a perfect platform for our conferences was found. As not all schools were allowed to buy the licences for the same tools. But the headmasters and teachers together solved all problems and managed to keep the project going besides distance learning for all pupils. The representatives of the local administrations and the city councils supported the project as they were willing to take part in various activities to train democratic behaviour. All partners worked together smoothly and all the problems with distance learning and travel restrictions did not hinder us to fulfill our plan and to profit from the activities we did in our Erasmus+ cooperation. Together with a new partner we created a new programme concentrating on climate change and sustainability. This new project proves our tight cooperation and a long-lasting stable European school network