Erasmus+ projekt: “Climate change” – meeting Wels (09/2021)

Druhý meeting našeho programu Erasmus+ se konal v rakouském Welsu, což je opravdu krásné místo jen dvacet kilometrů od Linze. Konečně jsme se po covidové přestávce mohli vydat na projekt do zahraničí a moc jsme si ho užili! A co jsme dělali? Shrnutí toho nejzajímavějšího v článku níže.



Naše cesta začala v pondělí 13. září. Všichni jsme se sešli na vlakovém nádraží a odjeli směr Rakousko. Když jsme dorazili do Lince, došli jsme si oběd a zamířili na hostel. Tam jsme se přivítali s polskou skupinou a společně vyrazili do centra města. Dali jsme si večeři, prošli pár obchodů a bavili se. Druhý den v úterý jsme měli plně nabitý program. Jako první nás čekala historická prohlídka města Lince a poté návštěva Ars Electronic centra, kde nás zaujala hlavně 3D projekce optických klamů. Naší další zastávkou byl Höhenrausch. Chodili jsme po střechách, vylezli na vysokou dřevěnou rozhlednu a vykoupali se v páře. Nakonec jsme tramvají dojeli na vrchol kopce Pöstlingberg, kde jsme sledovali krásný výhled na město. Ve středu jsme se přemístili do Welsu, kde jsme navštívili Science centrum a měli komentovanou prohlídku města. Poté jsme se všichni přemístili do školy, kde jsme s rakouskými žáky pracovali na projektu “Climate change:” Ve čtvrtek jsme jeli do Steyru. Prošli jsme si město, dozvěděli se něco o historii a zamířili do muzea práce. Pátek, poslední den našeho výletu, jsme strávili balením kufrů a nákupy. Rozloučili jsme se s Lincem a vlakem odjeli zpět do Tábora.



Our trip started on Monday when we all met in Tábor and then went by a train to Austria. When we arrived to Linz we had to go to our hostel. We chose to walk there and it turned out not to be the best idea. Because it was very hot, our luggage was super heavy and the way to the hostel was uphill. Anyways at the hostel we met with the Polish group and then we all went to the city centre where we got dinner and just walk through the streets and to the main square. Even though we didn’t do much this day compared to the other days I would still say that this day was my favourite because it was my first time in Linz and I was absolutely amazed by the beautiful monuments and landmarks of the city of Linz.

On Tuesday morning, we had a walking tour around the city Linz. After that we went to Ars Electronica Centre in the afternoon. We had walked through many exhibitions and we really enjoyed it. After Ars Electronica Centre, we separated from the polish and austrian group and went to Höhen rausch- walking on the roofs. We also climbed the wooden tower and had a steam shower. In the evening we took a ride to the Pöstlingberg mountain. There was a beautiful view of the city Linz, which we took many photos.

On Wednesday, we went to the city of Wels by train and met Erasmus leader teacher, Gisela Gutjahr. She showed us the city and we visited some historical sites of the city. We also visited Weilo Science Centre and that was pretty funny. After an interesting visit we went to school and ate Apfelstrudel. After the lunch we met Austrian students and did group work  – projects about climate change. After the meeting we went back to Linz and we were shopping a little bit. One of our teachers had his birthday, so we went to a restaurant to celebrate. Happy Birthday to you again.

On Thursday we went to Steyr. We went through the city and learned about the history of Steyr. Then we went to Museum Arbeitswelt and visited a castle with big garden and fountain. Inside we saw old library and how the people in past lived. In the end we came back to Linz where we had free time. We shopped and went to restaurant for dinner.

On Friday we started the day by waking up later than usual, had a nice breakfast at the hostel and then we packed our stuff and left our hotel. We still had lots of time left and we wanted to have some more memories of Linz so we went out shopping for one last time. After our last shopping spree, we said our final goodbyes to Linz and at 12:00 we got on our train back to Tábor. After our train tickets were checked 3 times again, we arrived back to Tábor where we told each other goodbye and went back home where we were thinking back on our wonderful erasmus+ trip to Austria.

Download here official project paper / Oficiální brožura k meetinu ke stažení (.PDF)