CZ: V prvním týdnu v prosinci jsme se společně se čtyřmi dalšími školami z Itálie, Německa, Slovinska a Polska zahájili v rakouském Welsu projekt “Educating Innovative and Creative European Citizens”. Spali jsme v rakouských hostitelských rodinách, kteří byli na nás velice laskaví. Během dnů jsme navštívili hodně vánočních trhů a měst – Linz, Salzburg, Steyr a samozřejmě i samotný Wels.
Strávili jsme také hodně času ve škole. Například různé debaty o Evropské unii nebo o našich jednotlivých zemích. Ve čtvrtek byl večer, kdy jsme představili naše prezentace o našich školách a regionech, ze kterých pocházíme. Celý projekt nám pomohl získat názory mladých lidí z jiných zemí a samozřejmě jsme si procvičili cizí jazyky. Projekt bude pokračovat v únoru, kdy pojedeme směr Itálie, konkrétně na Sicílii do Palerma.
EN: First meeting of our new Erasmus+ project with name „Educating Innovative and Creative European Citizens“ with partners school from Austria (BRG Wels Wallerererstrasse), Czech Republic (TSG a ZŠ Táború, Slovenia (Gimnazija Škofja Loka), Germany (Geschwister-Scholl-Schule in Konstanz), Italia (Istituto IPSSAR Paolo Borselino Palermo) and Poland (Liceum Zbigniewa Religi v Gilowicach). All participants met on first Monday of December 2018 in school and maked final preparations for project week programme. On Tuesday we went with train to Linz. There we had a little trip around the city – we saw the old marketplace, the Danube river, the castle on the hill and the biggest but not the highest cathedral in Austria which was built in 1855. After a couple of hours of sightseeing we went to the train station and took a train back to Wels. After that we started workshops about quizes of their home town. Everybody learned something new about Austria and had a chance to share some information about their own country. At the evening everybody went back home with their host families.
Next day was time to explore city of Salzburg, where we saw Mirabell castle across the river Salzach into the centre of town, famous Mozart, medieval university buildings, and of course many Christmas markets. Second part of the trip was to beautiful city Sankt Wolfgang next to lake Wolfgangsee. We really enjoyed local markets, buyed some Christmas decorations and tryied typical foods and drinks like mulled wine and punch. Thursday was dedicated to the visit of the historic center of Wels where we visit archeological museum set up in the former Minorite Monastery, Stadtplatz, one of the most beautiful squares in Austria tank to the numerous ancient buildings including: the Ledererturm tower and the characteristic church of St. John the Evangelist. Also we visit other important ancient buildings: the Rathaus, the town hall and the house of the Salome Alt. Back at school, after lunch, a nice workshop allowed pupils and teachers to prepare traditional Christmas cookies and other Austrian specialties. Finally at school, we were welcomed by the school Headmaster Lisa Grűnseis. Students of each school illustrated their city and the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage present in their territory with a power point. The coordinator of the Gisela Gutjahr project illustrated the features of the project, the aims and the expectations but above all the important training implications for the cultural and human growth of the pupils involved. Mobility certificates were handed out to all participants. In conclusion, a greeting buffet with all the host families and the teachers of the project was done. It was the right opportunity to share this important and significant experience of cultural growth eating biscuits, sweets and specialties prepared both by the school and by families.
Last day of project meeting, we went to historical city of Steyr, with lots of tourist attractions, especially the historic town centre is great for sightseeing. Gisela maked for us city guided tour. We saw parisch church from 15th century, Marienkirche Church and Michaelerkirche Church from 17th century on the other side of the River Steyr. After the city guide tour we visited the Christmas market and very nice café in the square. Before noon we went to Christkindl. After lunch back in the school was time to said good bye to all our friends and we finally left the school and went home. See ya in February in Palermo!